SNP – Single nucleotide polymorphism
VIVC – Vitis International Variety Catalogue
CSIRO – Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Confidence level definitions/disclaimers
Prime name – The SNP profile obtained from the grapevine sample submitted matches a variety that has been assigned a ‘Prime name’ in the CSIRO grapevine variety SNP database. This means that there is substantial evidence supporting that this sample belongs to the variety assigned this prime name by the VIVC. No absolute warranty is given that such evidence is correct nor independent and hence there is no absolute warranty assigned of any variety name.
Prime global name – In some cases the ‘Prime name’ is a global name for a group of varieties derived from a single original embryo. These varieties cannot be distinguished from one another using SNP profiling. For example, the global Prime name ‘Pinot’ denotes a genotype representing Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Gris etc. No absolute warranty is given that such evidence is correct nor independent and hence there is no absolute warranty assigned of any variety name.
Provisional name – This is the likely name of the variety; however, provisional names cannot be taken as the correct name for any genotype. The SNP profile obtained matches a variety that has been assigned a provisional name in the CSIRO grapevine variety SNP database, which occurs in two circumstances:
- The Australian reference variety most closely matches that of the named variety in an international reference database but is not a complete match, or
- The Australian reference variety completely matches a variety in an international database, but in that international database it was assigned a provisional name due to lack of sufficient evidence to fully support the naming.
Unknown name – The CSIRO database currently contains the SNP profiles of approximately 360 Vitis vinifera cultivars used for wine-grape, table grape and dried grape production. If the SNP pattern of the submitted grapevine sample does not match one of the cultivars in the database, it will be reported as ‘unknown’. The database cannot be used to identify non-vinifera species or hybrids between V. vinifera and non-vinifera grapevine species (i.e. most rootstocks).